About Joette
Joette jumped into balloons as her full-time income in 2003, purchasing a local balloon decor company Party People Celebration Company. Starting with the balloons in her home, she then built a 600 sq foot warehouse in her backyard to allow her family to have full use of their home without balloons floor to ceiling in every room.
Joette became a CBA in 2008, and has attended several World Balloon Conventions and ongoing training to increase her skills and confidence and build a professional network of balloon pros from around the world that have now become amazing life-long friends.
After winning awards at FLOAT International Balloon Convention, Joette started teaching in the balloon industry. Due to the volume of balloon professionals calling and messaging Joette for ongoing business support on sales and marketing in 2015 Joette was approached to sell her balloon business, she stayed on as the Marketing Manager for Party People and started online and in-person training as BalloonCoach.com sharing wisdom from mentors from around the world to save overwhelmed balloon professionals time and money as they grow their business.
Class Title: Creating Systems for Growth
During this class Joette Giardina, CBA aka Balloon Coach will share steps to put systems in place to make your balloon business more efficient and profitable.
When you have written systems in place, staff can step up and take over the duties of the business owner to allow your business to run without you. When you empower others to do the task of meeting your client's needs, you then have the freedom to spend more time with your family and friends and go on vacation!
If you or a family member have a medical emergency, systems allow others to take care of your clients and not have to pay refunds when you are unable to work.
Systems allow you to create an income when you no longer wish to work the day-to-day operations of your balloon business and eventually hire a manager or sell your business to make the most out of your investment and the hard work you put into your company.