About Tobi
Tobi Twist has been a part-time magician and balloon artist for 22 years. He has given different workshops at balloon and magic convetions in Germany and other European countries. In 2021 Tobi Twist started a TikTok account. Currently, about 5 million followers follow him, set balloon challenges and watch his balloon videos enthusiastically.
Class Title: Tobi Twist‘s Twister ToolBox – building blocks, concepts and cute designs
In his workshop Tobi Twist will present some of his ideas, concepts and building blocks, which he regularly uses at events to create balloon figures.
Many of the designs are based on simple concepts and ideas, which can be easily modified to create many other balloon figures.
Techniques such as the "Mariage Twist" and different balloon shapes are used to twist, for example, a cute rhino, an unusual butterfly or an itty bitty rooster.