Andre & Grace Figueiredo, CBAs

Q Corner Convention 2021 ›  Instructors ›  Andre & Grace Figueiredo

About Andre & Grace

Andre and Grace Figueiredo from the company Balloon Store by Andre Figueiredo, located in the city of Salvador-Bahia, Brazil, with over 27 years in the balloon world.

Andre and Grace are specialists in great decorations and incredible deliveries. Participant in several events inside and outside Brazil, seeking to bring to their customers the best that exists in the art of enchantment.

They are passionate about balloon art and likes to share his knowledge with others.

Country: Brazil

Language: Portuguese

Icon_Instagram.png Instagram

Class Information

Balloon Box

Balloon box é um presente criativo que no momento mais crucial (Pandemia) de nossa loja, nos possibilitou um novo nicho de negócio, junto com esse novo modelo de negocio muitas vendas. E até hoje trazendo novos clientes e fidelizando nossos clientes mais antigos. Presentes com balões, flores, chocolates e tudo que sua criatividade permitir.

Balloon box is a creative gift that, at the most crucial moment (Pandemic) of our store, allowed us a new business niche, along with this new business model with many sales. And even today bringing new customers and retaining our oldest customers. Gifts with balloons, flowers, chocolates and everything that your creativity allows.

Date & Time: Tuesday, March 23rd 10:30 to 11:30 GMT

Class Duration: 60 minutes

Set a reminder and watch here!

Product List

Material: box aproximadamente 15x15 ( modelo que desejar )
balloon bond
fitas diversas de cetim ou ráfia
esponja floral
folhas ( eucalipto ou a de preferência )
balão 5'' mocha brown
balao 5'' blush
balão 5'' pearl lime green
palito de churrasco
fita floral
bubble de 24''
tinta pva ou de tecido
vinil para personalização
máscara de transferência