About Leticia
Vicko's Balloons was born in late 2014. We started with family parties and gradually entered the multicultural taste of New York City. We face different challenges, but nothing can stop us from enjoying the wonderful experience of working with Qualatex balloons! In 2015 we obtained the QBN certification. In 2016 we began to teach face-to-face courses, and when the pandemic arrived at the beginning of 2020, like many companies, this prompted us to expand our online business and our online courses.
Currently, I am looking for the best way to support new entrepreneurs by sharing my knowledge and tips to facilitate their entrepreneurship.
Class Information
Magical Fairies Column
In our class we'll be developing a column with simple and practical techniques to create a magical world of fairies.
Date & Time: Monday, March 22nd 11:00 to 11:30 GMT
Class Duration: 30 minutes

Product List
11" Green SuperAgate
11" Standard Green
260Q Spring Green
160Q Lime Green
6" Geo Blossom
Mini Fairy (air-fill only)
Bubble (Deco)
24" Gold Confetti
Twisting Flowers:
160Q Wildberry
160Q Standard Orange
260Q Dark Blue
260Q Periwinkle
260Q Pale Blue
160Q Spring Green
160Q Lime Green
Balloon Distortion Flowers:
11" Pink Violet SuperAgate
260Q Rose
5" Wildberry
11" Standard Yellow
260Q Standard Orange
5" Orange
350Q Standard Green
Double-sided tape