Mayra Machado, CBA

Q Corner Convention 2021 ›  Instructors ›  Mayra Machado

About Mayra

I am a native of Mexicali Baja California, Mexico. My education is in Economics, but my passion is balloons! As a decorator and instructor in art with baloes, I teach courses for people who wish to start their business in Balloon Art. My company, Dulcerias Kenmay, became the first Qualatex distributor in Baja, California. I do have my CBA certification. I also have a retail store called Kenmay Candy and offer online courses.

Country: Mexico

Language: Spanish, English

Icon_Instagram.png Instagram

Class Information

Baby Gender Reveal Gridz Wall

Gender reveal parties have become a huge trend and have increased even more over the last months. Due to this increase on sales in our industry on this theme, and future moms looking for different options in decorations, We are designing a wall made from gridz perfect for amazing photo shoots for this special occasion.

Date & Time: Monday, March 22nd 00:00 to 00:30 GMT

Class Duration: 30 minutes

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Product List

Download Mayra's product list and wall designs here.

Product List Wall Designs